Friday, April 27, 2012

Note on Reflective Statement

As mentioned in class, if you think you have a good start at an Ibsen essay and may write your final paper on it, I would STRONGLY suggest going back now and reworking your Reflective Statement to include more of a personal revelation of your development rather than a summary of the information. Everyone seemed to answer the question, "what did you learn", as opposed to "how has your understanding developed".  Cut out meaningless phrases from introduction (learned a lot, very interesting, deeper understanding) and dive into your original biases/perceptions and the growth that occurred through learning.  Address where you started and what about the information provoked new insight into your own experience as a reader.  The reflective statement is worth 12 of your total IB points - don't waste them!  Because I believe no one in the class would score higher than an 8 out of the 12 points at this time, I am changing its value in ESIS.  I will only be awarding "did you do it" points for this reflective statement (out of 3).  I will expect your next reflective statements to more accurately address the development and will then be graded as such.

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