Finish Act 2 and Read Act 3 for class on Wednesday
Bring Cornell notes to class for the discussion on Wednesday and Thursday (sections for notes, discussion pre/talking points, possible paper topics, and one additional section of your choosing - half of discussion prep section should be filled out prior to class)
Tragedy Journal #1: You may choose one of the following two prompts
- Option 1: Characters constantly face boundaries in literature. These boundaries can take many shapes: internal or external, physical or emotional, real or imagined... Consider what types of boundaries Ibsen creates. Who faces what type of boundary, how (stylistic aspect) does the author establish the boundary, and how do the characters respond to the boundary?
- Option 2: Examine how characters perceive themselves or others. Who has false conceptions of him/herself? Who has misconceptions of others? Who recognizes the facades created by other characters? Does the character embrace the facade, ignore it, or confront it?
Due to reading another one of Ibsen's plays, I have adequate knowledge on other characters outside of the Wild Duck to write about. Could I possibly have a small portion of journals be about another play?
ReplyDeleteThat would be fine. The journal is intended to help you process the reading and prepare for discussion. I would limit what you write about the other play just so that you have a wealth of ideas to draw from for you paper, but really it is fine to explore ideas you are thinking about from either play in your journal.