Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pick IOP Novel + Work on Annotations + Post #2 on Technique

Sign up for a novel that you will use for your IOP by commenting on the appropriate post with your name and the general direction you are planning on taking your presentation. Respect the requirement for how many people may sign up. The sign ups will post at exactly 2:52 PM today.

Continue to work on annotating your literary terms list.

Pick one technique from the list you received today and create a post in which you elaborate on that technique. Explain it in detail. Why is it important? Give examples. Use images that will help you remember it. Be creative and thorough with this post so that it can be used by your peers to help them understand the term. You, in turn, can use their posts to help you.

1 comment:

  1. 1984 alusionsand exapmles in book compared to now days and society at time and censorship and ezamples now days
