Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday, May 2

Reflective Statement due tomorrow

Read Act one scenes two and three 

Journal #5 Examine how Lorca characterize the archetypes of the play.  Does Lorca embrace or reject the archetype?  What is the effect of the characterization? 

Optional: You may start to sign up for characters and scenes by commenting on this post.  You will start working with your acting company tomorrow. You will only be performing a portion of the scene but I will let you narrow down the portion in class tomorrow.  The character you sign up for will also be the character you write about.
1. (2 people) 1.1 Mother and Groom
2. (2 people) 1.1 Mother and Neighbor
3. (3 people) 1.2 Mother-in-law and Wife and Leonardo 
4. (4 people) 1.3 Bride and Bridegroom and Father and Mother
5. (2 people) 1.3 and 2.1 Maid and Bride
5. (3 people) 2.1 Maid and Leonardo and Bride
6. (3 people) 2.2 Maid and Mother and Father
7. (4 people) 3.1 Woodcutter and Moon and Beggar Woman and Bridegroom 
8. (2 people) 3.1 Leonardo and Bride
9. (3 people) 3.2 Mother and Neighbor and Bride


  1. #4(1.3)- Mother- Donna, Bride- Diana, Father- Anna, Bridegroom-Jazmin

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Scenes 1.3 and 2.1 Michelle Vollmuller would like to play the BRIDE!

  4. Is an Archetype a fancy name for a stereotype?

  5. #7 3.1 Moon- Mark Hall, Woodcutter- Jake Pietrok

  6. Second number 5.
    5. (3 people) 2.1 Maid and Leonardo and Bride
    I will be the Maid, and Jackson and Trevor will be the other two parts.

  7. #9 3.2 Olivia, Rachel, and Tristy (Well, she has yet to reply to my text message, so she's a "probably")
    We'll discuss characters tomorrow.
