1. Revise and type your reflective statement (Due Thursday)
2. Read Act 1 Scene 1
3. Journal #4: Choose any two symbols that emerged in this scene and discuss their significance. While you are certainly welcome to connect that significance to the entire text, I want you to focus on the details of how they are used in these first 12 pages. Look at the stylistic choices surrounding their use and build up to a discussion on the role they play or will play in developing theme/character/setting/tension...
4. Comment on two of your peers' blog posts on symbols. Don't just write "interesting" but instead evaluate the value of what they have observed, expand on their ideas, and/or contribute your own. If you are one of the first two people to post for the night (the blog list on my blog is organized by the order/time at which you post) you do not have to do this!
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