Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Break

1. Enjoy your week (read a book for fun?!)

2. Read the 1st third of your dystopian novel - comment here with what book you are reading so that I know the sizes of the groups

3. Dystopian Journal #1: How do the motifs, setting, and language contribute to our understanding of the society. Address each area separately and in depth.

4. Final Stranger essay due Tuesday

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Rough draft #2 + catalog of changes and reasons for changes/effect of those changes + stranger blogs finished, posted, and turned in to + bring ID if you think you might change dystopian novel

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Rough Draft

Rough draft due tomorrow
*MLA format
*conclusion not necessary yet

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Introduction + "I will use this quote to prove..."

Type out your introduction using the notes you took today.
Add to each quote in your outline "I will use this quote to prove..."
[I said in class that the additions to your outline could be handwritten but, while I won't count down, they should be typed so that your peer editor can read clearly what you are trying to say and use their time critically thinking about your ideas instead of figuring out what to read next.]

Monday, March 19, 2012

Skinny Outline

must include: reworked thesis + topic sentences + quotes

in proper outline format

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday, March 14

*Update: I would like you to attempt a focus on a single stylistic choice Camus made as the focus of your thesis statement. A lot of the thesis statements are taking on philosophies, which works as a "so what", but stronger essays will start with a more narrow look at how Camus molds the text and then address the philosophy as a result of those specific choices by the author. *

  • Finish The Stranger
  • Write a fleshed out and solid thesis statement for your The Stranger essay (post as a comment on this post + bring a typed triple-spaced copy to class on Monday
  • Reflective statement
  • Vocabulary and The Stranger test on Monday
Journal #4 and #5 (see previous post) will be due by Friday of next week - work on those through the week. As soon as you have those completed you can submit your batch of Stranger journals to

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Finish Chapter 4

1. Finish Chapter 4 of The Stranger

Upcoming assignments due Monday, March 19 [things you may want to get a jump start on]:
*Study for vocabulary
*Reflective statement (one page typed, single spaced)
*Thesis for The Stranger essay

There will also be two final journals for The Stranger woven in to next week that you may also want to get a jump on.
#4 What conclusions does Mersault come to at the end of the novel. Does Camus want the reader to come to the same conclusions?
#5 Personal Philosophy
You will demonstrate your understanding of the importance of one's world view by scrutinizing your thoughts on how the world works and indentifying guiding principles for your own philosophy.
A. Give it a name
B. Identify seven to ten guiding principles: These should be clear and thoughtful – no clichés
C. Explain from where each principle developed and why it is important

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday, March 9

Upcoming dates:
{Cultural Reflective Statement} 14th
{Vocabulary Test} 19th
{IOP Proposals} 13th or 22nd

Homework (You will be given around 40 minutes to finalize these tasks in class):
Finish your commentary
Annotate final two articles
Prepare a minute's worth of taking points for your cultural information
Read chapters 2 and 3
Journal #3: Why do you think Camus divided his novel into two parts? Use textual evidence to support your answer (consider how does Meursault changes, what are some parallel ideas and scenes, etc.).

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Ch 6 and 1 + Journal #2 + Print two articles

Reading chapter 6 and chapter 1 of part II (pay close attention to shifts/parallels in part II)

Journal #2 Pick one of the following two prompts to respond to
Option 1: What symbolic role does the sun/light play in the novel? What themes does this symbolism develop?
Option 2: Evaluate the author's use of first person point of view. Why didn't Camus choose third person omniscient? How is his choice of point of view related to Camus' purpose/themes in the novel.

Print out two final articles for your chosen context topic. You can depart slightly based on what you read about last time. Be sure you articles are from reliable sources.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Chapters 4-5 + Journal #1 + Annotate two articles

Read chapters 4 and 5. Continue tabbing and focusing on interesting and subtle motifs and literary techniques.

Journal #1: Closely examine 3 of the minor characters Camus has introduced. How are the characters described and what role do they play? What is Camus trying to accomplish/reveal with each of these characters?

Annotate your two articles by making predictions, asking questions, clarifying, commenting, and connecting. You should also start to interpret how this knowledge influences your reading of The Stranger.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Read The Stranger chapters 2 and 3 + Final Pastiche assignment + print research articles

1. Read The Stranger chapters 2 and 3

2. Finish your final Pastiche version and bring to class tomorrow. It may not exceed 6 pages and should be in MLA format.

3. Pick one of the following topics to be an expert on during this unit. You will research, discuss and write about the influence of your topic on the novel during the next few weeks. Once you have chosen your topic make a comment on this blog post indicating what you have chosen. Do not pick what has been taken - everyone should have a different topic. After you have picked your topic start to do some research into reliable sources. Print out two articles from reputable sites and bring them to class tomorrow. Be sure to document the source so you can revisit it and cite it correctly.

1. French Resistance
2. Pied-Noir
3. Roman Catholicism in France
4. History of the guillotine
5. French occupation of Algiers
6. Islamic practices
7. Hitlers final solution
8. Freud's theory of the unconscious
9. Work ethic of the French
10. Code de l'indigenat
11. Combat underground paper
12. Camus's relationships/marriage
13. Algiers
14. Racial tensions in French occupied countries
15. Camus's other writings
16. Contemporary artists and writers of Camus
17. French grammar/issue in translating
18. Modernism
19. Absurdism
20. Determinism
21. Nihilism
22. Naturalism
23. Stoicism
24. Socialism
25. Anarchism
26. Surrealism
27. Dadaism
28. existentialism
29. 1942
30. French involvement in WWII
31. Camus on anti-semetism
32. Gender roles in France/Algeria
33. Court systems of time and place
34. Funeral traditions/beliefs on death of the time and place
35. Algerian War

Other resources for information that can be accessed from Tigard High Library page:

EBSCO (Student Research Center)-
Username- tigard
Password- tigers

Gale (all the rest of the databases listed are Gale databases)-
password- oslis

Monday, March 5, 2012

No Homework

Papers are now due Wednesday!

IOP proposals for those going at the end of the week should still be turned in tomorrow so you can get feedback.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Rough Draft

MLA formatted
Statement of Intent + Dialect rules + Pastiche + Works Cited